I didn't mention to my mom my new favorite song artist which is Libera. Also she's unaware of my new interest in singing, I usually have a secret spot that I go to and a nearby park to sing, at that time I was really into three particular songs, Going home, Do not stand at my grave, and I am the day I got hold of the lyrics and typed them on the family computer. So one day I come home from work and my mom confronts me about the lyrics she found she aske me what it was and I told her about libera and how I like those songs, then she went on to tell me what she thought and I was accused of being suicidal. She told me how usually people will leave notes for people ( Omg, she thought those were suicide notes.) She told me she found me a new friend and that she'd call later that day. I finaly get the call and it some girl from the church of latter-day saints. Oh brother, I explained how I am following christ and no Im not suicidal and that those were lyrics to a few songs that I liked. After gettting off the phone my mom told me not to listen to them anymore, well libera that is and that they are satanic, and it will mess with your mind. No matter how much I tried to concive her she pretty much disappoves of libera and its final. At least for now.