Our dorms had alot of chinese students and I was friends with three of them one day we did karaoke on youtube. I showed off and did two japanese songs from chobits. I also showed off and did some of their favorite traditional classic chinese songs. They said they never met an american who could do the accent like I did. POINTS!! The next day was a christmas party and I overslept and forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer. The party started in two hours but I tried cooking it anyways I put it in the microwave to defrost for like 5 minutes and gave up on that and just put the frozen chicken in the oven. My roommate was like Girl are you crazy you can't cook a frozen chicken. She was right. When I put the chicken in the oven it was about 2:30pm and it wasn't done until about 7:30 to 8:00 pm when the party was almost over but Everyone ate the chicken and complimented how good it was. I ate normal non americanized chinese food and didn't really like it but I didn't admit that. After the party a few of us stuck around and I wanted to sing some of salve me ( never try to sing without warming up your voice) OH!! I sounded like a train wreck everyone laughed cuz I tried doing that high shrill salve me yea that was a very humbling experience I repented and said I was sorry for being boastful and prideful about my singing.