So yesterday was the big step for me on singing in front of a live audience. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. First of all I thought I wasn't gonna be the only one to perform but I was and second I never been so nervous in my life. I went up there wishing it was just a dream and I wasn't nervous then but once I was in front of the mic I was ambushed by nerves. I didn't know how to hold the mic, I forgot my words but thankfully I brought the lyrics in case that happened this was for Gloria, I didn't have a focal point so my eyes were looking everywhere and I was stiff as a cardboard. Then near the end of Gloria I broke into a laughing spell. It was funny because I sung a capella and when I took a pause they would start clapping and I would politely say wait im not done yet which isn't very classy or polite. For ave maria I tried to do one of the high notes and messed it up and everyone laughed and I attempted it again and it was great. They were really nice about it. Oh boy! it was terrible. my job taped the whole thing maybe I can get a copy and share it with you. Im just glad my first performance was at my job with really nice residents who wouldn't mind my mistakes.